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多家海外媒体对“SUPER 360°计划”大加赞赏

2016-03-22 14:43 来源:凤凰游戏

  近日消息,在刚刚结束的GDC 2016期间,当所有游戏开发者都把眼球放在VR、AR的开发之上时,众多海外媒体却对360游戏许怡然公布的“SUPER 360°计划”大加赞赏。

  著名海外媒体MobileWorld Live更是专门发表了对此计划的评论文章,对360游戏在游戏产业尤其是移动游戏领域的运营、全球化以及战略布局等方面进行了报道。

众多海外媒体却对360游戏许怡然公布的“SUPER 360°计划”大加赞赏

  Mobile World Live是GSM协会的门户网站,自2009年推出以来,已经成为面向移动行业提供深刻见解、信息和联系的资源。GSM协会是全球移动运营商利益的代表。它联合了全球220多个国家的近800家移动运营商,以及更广泛的移动产业链中的230多家企业,其中包括手机制造商、软件公司、设备供应商、互联网企业以及金融服务、医疗卫生、媒体、交通与公用事业等细分行业的组织。GSM 协会还举办世界移动通信大会(Mobile World Congress) 和亚洲移动通信博览会(Mobile Asia Expo) 等行业领先活动。

  MobileWorld Live的报道中表示,360游戏推行的“SUPER 360°计划”,对于游戏开发者有着巨大帮助,尤其是准备进入中国市场的海外游戏开发者。计划内推行的对开发者的回馈与保护等措施,在保护开发者最大权益的同时,还能够帮助其接触到庞大的中国游戏市场。360游戏拥有的庞大的用户群体,则可以最大限度的为开发者们提供数据分析基础。360游戏成立的“全球游戏发行联盟”,也已经被EA、Disney等众多海外厂商所认可。

  “SUPER 360°计划”是360游戏2016年度重点打造的公司战略规划,内容囊括IP策略、用户运营、独家代理、服务前置、发行渠道升级等内容。在GDC 2016以及不久前结束的GMGC大会上,“SUPER 360°计划”已经被众多海内外的游戏厂商认可。

  以下为Mobile World Live报道原文:

  360 Games claims “Super” strategy to attract developers

  360 Games, a Chinese game platform and publisher, launched several initiatives to attract game developers to China.

  According to president Alex Xu, the company is confident it can “take overseas games to our increasing millions of users as proven by our track record with the world’s leading developers such as Electronic Arts and Big Fish Games”.

  360 Games said it has a user base of one billion players in China, 800 million of which are registered on mobiles (the rest PC owners).

  The initiative includes three elements, the company said: its “Super360° Strategy”, a mobile ad revenue return plan, and an app security solution.

  The “Super” acronym stands for service, user base, IP, exclusivity and rules. As part of this, it touted a “global publishing alliance” with companies such as Electronic Arts and Disney.

  For the ad element, its said that developers integrating apps with its mobile ads SDK can expect “a high fill rate” of mobile ads (the rate at which a publisher successfully sends and receives a request for a full ad impression from an ad network) and 100 per cent of mobile ad revenue.

  Developers can benefit from “a better advertising experience with native ads format, a safer process with 360 security products and solutions, and higher revenue”, the company said.

  Finally, it announced 360 AppShield, which prevents third parties from tampering with the integrity of a game’s code, to help developers “cope with copycats or code cracking issues”.

  Established in 2009, 360 Games claims to have launched “some of the most successful and popular mobile games in China, most of which had over one million downloads on release day,” including Clash of Clans and Need for Speed.





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